Sending Zabbix Alert SMS via USB modem

During some Zabbix sessions, I thought it would be nice to be able to alert via SMS. Zabbix, out of the box, supports the possibility to send SMS via attached GSM modems, so I gave it a try. I am currently using a Huawei USB modem:

Bus 003 Device 011: ID 12d1:1003 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E220 HSDPA Modem / E230/E270/E870 HSDPA/HSUPA Modem

Unfortunately, this modem has some troubles with the AT command sequences Zabbix sends:

   856:20120120:170920.965 Read from GSM modem [^MOK^M]
   856:20120120:170920.965 End of read_gsm():SUCCEED
   856:20120120:170920.965 Write to GSM modem [ATE0^M]
   856:20120120:170920.965 In read_gsm() [OK] [NULL] [NULL] [NULL]
   856:20120120:170921.069 Read from GSM modem [^MOK^M]
   856:20120120:170921.069 In check_modem_result()
   856:20120120:170921.069 End of check_modem_result():SUCCEED
   856:20120120:170921.069 End of read_gsm():SUCCEED
   856:20120120:170921.069 Write to GSM modem [AT^M]
   856:20120120:170921.069 In read_gsm() [OK] [NULL] [NULL] [NULL]
   856:20120120:170921.173 Read from GSM modem [^MOK^M]
   856:20120120:170921.174 In check_modem_result()
   856:20120120:170921.174 End of check_modem_result():SUCCEED
   856:20120120:170921.174 End of read_gsm():SUCCEED
   856:20120120:170921.174 Write to GSM modem [AT+CMGF=1^M]
   856:20120120:170921.174 In read_gsm() [OK] [NULL] [NULL] [NULL]
   856:20120120:170921.277 Read from GSM modem [^MOK^M]
   856:20120120:170921.277 In check_modem_result()
   856:20120120:170921.277 End of check_modem_result():SUCCEED
   856:20120120:170921.277 End of read_gsm():SUCCEED
   856:20120120:170921.277 Write to GSM modem [AT+CMGS="]
   856:20120120:170921.277 Write to GSM modem [0041791234567]
   856:20120120:170921.277 Write to GSM modem ["^M]
   856:20120120:170921.277 In read_gsm() [> ] [NULL] [NULL] [NULL]
   856:20120120:170921.385 Read from GSM modem [^M> ]
   856:20120120:170921.385 In check_modem_result()
   856:20120120:170921.385 End of check_modem_result():SUCCEED
   856:20120120:170921.385 End of read_gsm():SUCCEED
   856:20120120:170921.385 Write to GSM modem [Host xyz is unreachable: PROBLEM]
   856:20120120:170921.385 Write to GSM modem [^Z]
   856:20120120:170921.385 In read_gsm() [+CMGS: ] [NULL] [NULL] [NULL]
   856:20120120:170921.489 Read from GSM modem [^M]
   856:20120120:170921.489 In check_modem_result()
   856:20120120:170921.489 End of check_modem_result():FAIL
   856:20120120:170921.489 End of read_gsm():FAIL
   856:20120120:170921.489 Write to GSM modem [^MESC^Z]
   856:20120120:170921.489 In read_gsm() [] [NULL] [NULL] [NULL]
   856:20120120:170921.489 Error during wait for GSM modem.
   856:20120120:170921.489 Read from GSM modem []
   856:20120120:170921.489 End of read_gsm():SUCCEED
   856:20120120:170921.494 End of send_sms():FAIL
   856:20120120:170921.494 End execute_action()
   856:20120120:170921.494 Error sending alert ID [62]

After some research I figured out that it probably would be a better idea to write a wrapper-script to implement the SMS functionality. There is actually a way to fix this AT command sequence issue, but it would require recompiling some parts of Zabbix (which is not an option for me, as I use the Debian packaged Zabbix). To interface with the modem, I am finally using Gnokii:


port = /dev/ttyUSB1
model = AT
connection = serial

Thats the script I use to send the alerts to (taken straight from


echo "To: '$1' Text: '$3'" >> ${LOGFILE} 
PHONENR=`echo "$1" | sed s#\s##` 
/bin/echo "$3" | /usr/bin/gnokii --config /etc/zabbix/gnokii.conf --sendsms "${PHONENR}" 1>>${LOGFILE} 2>&1

Here are some screenshots on how to configure the SMS alert in the Zabbix GUI:


Sending free SMS over the SWITCH Mailgateway

One of the nice aspects of working in a universitary environment is, that you can take advance of many nice little things. For example, you can send free SMS via the Switch Mailgateway (

To do so, I wrote a simple PHP script, wich enables me to send SMS via a little Textbox through a Website. I used the PEAR Framework to implement the mailing- function. For readability I stripped away the HTML forms and JavaScript functions, wich limited the form’s capacity to the SMS- usual 160 characters.


if (isset($_POST['smsor_message'])) {
	$options = array (
		'host'      => '',
		'auth'      => false,
	$mailer = Mail::factory('smtp', $options);
	if (true === PEAR::isError($mailer)) {
		die ($mailer->getMessage());
	$headers = array(
		'From' => '',
		'To' => $_POST['smsor_to']."",
	$res = $mailer->send($_POST['smsor_to']."",

	if (true === PEAR::isError($res)) {
		die ($res->getMessage());
	echo "Message <br>\n<i>".$_POST['smsor_message']."</i><br>\n
		sent to <i>".$_POST['smsor_to']."</i><br>\n";
	echo "<br><hr><br>";