During my work as a system engineer I often come across situations, where I need to have an easy overview of an ActiveDirectories attribute names. To be a bit more independent of other sites, I decided to start with mirroring an attribute list from the MS KB.
Optional Attributes
accountExpires | Value:9223372036854775807 |
cn (Container) | Value:Nirmal |
codePage | Value:0 |
countryCode | Value:536 |
displayName | Value:Display Name |
distinguishedName | Value:CN=nirmal,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=local |
instanceType | Value:4 |
name | Value:nirmal |
objectCategory | Value:CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC |
uSNChanged | Value:50203 |
uSNCreated | Value:13920 |
whenChanged | Value:2022552554552 |
whenCreated | Value:2022554588585 |
logonHours | Value::///////////////////////////// |
userAccountControl | Value:524802 |
Required Attributes
dn | Value:CN=nirmal,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=local |
objectClass | Value:User |
sAMAccountName | Value:SAMLNAME |
Attributes that can’t be imported into AD
badPasswordTime | Value:1 |
badPwdCount | Value:1 |
lastLogoff | Value:0932479234902343 |
lastLogon | Value:12924723489374737 |
logonCount | Value:0 |
primaryGroupID | Value:513 |
pwdLastSet | Value:0 |
sAMAccountType | Value:805306368 |
objectGUID | Value::QT2p48fufjweue839384ufufj/A== |
objectSid | Value:: |
memberOf | Value:CN=Domain Admins, |
department | Value:GIS |
co (Country Name) | Value:India |
comment | |
company | Value:Computer Sciences Corporation |
description | Value:Description Field Cost Centre |
directReports | |
lastLogonTimestamp | |
adminCount | Value:1 |
ADsPath | |
c (2 digit country) | Value:IN |
dSCorePropagationData | |
facsimileTelephoneNumber | |
givenName | |
homeDirectory | Value:\\amppfilerp01\hthrmg$ |
homeDrive | Value:H:\ |
homePhone | |
info (Phone notes) | |
initials | Value:INT |
ipPhone | |
isCriticalSystemObject | |
l (City) | Value:City Field |
userCertificate | |
userParameters | |
userPrincipalName | Value:LogonName@test.local |
userWorkstations | |
wWWHomePage | Value:Web Page Field |
Value:Emailss@sss.com | |
manager | |
CN=Users,DC=Local,DC=C | |
mobile | |
msNPAllowDialin | Value:FALSE |
otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber | |
otherHomePhone | |
otherIpPhone | |
profilePath | Value:\\tqchain2k3pc\profiles\nirmal |
otherMobile | |
otherPager | |
otherTelephone | |
pager | |
physicalDeliveryOfficeName | Value:Office Name |
postalCode | Value:Zip Code |
postOfficeBox | Value:Post Office Box |
scriptPath | Value:qchain.vbs |
servicePrincipalName | |
showInAdvancedViewOnly | |
sn (Surname) | Value:Last Name Field |
st (2 digit State / Province) | |
streetAddress | |
telephoneNumber | |
title | |
url |
Taken from: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555638
Further informations: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/257218
Information on ActiveDirectory attribute time/date conversion: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555936