This How-To provides a quick overview on how to add simple csv import-export functionality to your PHP project.
Write a csv from an array
$data = array('Text1', 'Text2', 'Text3'); // start with your data array
$delimiter = ","; // set delimiting character
$file = "./target.csv"; // specify the target file
$line[0] = implode($delimiter, $data); // set content of the first line
$fileprocess = fopen($file, "w"); // open the target file in write mode
fwrite($fileprocess, $line[0]."\n"); // write the first line to the file
fclose($fileprocess); // close the target file
Read a csv to an array
$delimiter = ","; // set delimiting character
$file = "./source.csv"; // specify the source file
$line = file($file); // read file line by line
$data = explode($delimiter, $line[0]); // get contents by line
// (0 for line 1, 1 for line 2 and so on...)
// access the data
The structure of source.csv/target.csv
The scripts above are just to demonstrate the basic functionality. There are many possibilities to extend them (i.e. add a way to write more than one line by working with a “for” expression and so on…)